Proposal That Produced Big Engagement #1

Debra had been a longstanding business friend. When she expected an upcoming layoff, we first offered a simple one-page proposal, shown below. Later, the company asked for something more detailed, and we supplied a two-page version, shown on the next page. We ultimately delivered $75,000 in consulting to this company. Notice the simple language and brevity.
July 30, 20—  

Debra Black
Director of Human Resources
Forster-Gerber-Smyth Management Company
1000 Broadway, Ste 1200
Denver, Colorado  80203

Dear Debra,
Here is the outline of the outplacement programs we discussed:

Outplacement Workshops
One Three-day Training Program for ten (10) exempt personnel $4500. Two two-day training programs for forty (40) non-exempt personnel $6000.

Resume Development
Editing and critique, word processing, and posting each resume to 100 Internet resume talent banks.  Includes 100 laser-printed resumes.  $125 per participant.

Books and Materials

  • Resume Repair Kit $19.95
  • 200 Letters for Job Hunters $19.95
  • The Perfect Interview $17.95
  • 6-Part Video Series (Getting HIRED) $99.95 each set
  • Non-exempt training manual with two (2) audio cassettes  (Opening New Doors)  $75.00 per participant
  • Exempt training manual with six (6) audio cassettes (Opening New Doors)  $195.00 per participant

Follow-up Counseling
Non-exempt:  up to four (4) hours each per person:  $600
Exempt:  up to six (6) hours each per person:  $900

Career Center
If you provide facilities, computers, telephones, supplies, and staffing:  no charge. If we provide facilities, computers, telephones, supplies, and staffing:  $5000 per month.

Human Resources Consulting
To establish programs, plan terminations, defuse potential violence and lawsuits:
20 hours at $150 per hour = $3000.

With best wishes,

William S. Frank

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