Congratulations On Breakthrough Job Offer

Once in a while a friend receives the "offer you can't refuse"—the perfect job. This calls for hyperbole in the form of "Wow! Wow! Wow!" For emphasis, I tapped this out in short sentences, not paragraphs. VZL was a corporate client we were pursuing, and Janella was providing insider knowledge.

To: Janella Heiserman
Subject: Level 3

Hi Janella,

Congratulations again on the big breakthrough job offer.
You held out for what you really wanted.
The going got tough, but you hung in there.
It takes a lot of courage and determination to do that.
And wow, it paid off for you!
I'm so happy for you.

I posted your new title and company on
I may not have the title quite right,
so correct me, if necessary.

I did click to their page, and I'm more than impressed!
The culture comes through loud and strong.
The ownership issue, i.e., "we're all in this together,"
sets the whole tone. Looks like an amazing place to work!

Even though you're "virtual" now, I'd like to rely on you
to keep us on track with VZL. We're heading for the
corporate world with guns blazing —

You still have lots to offer,

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