Thank You to Seminar Attendees

I was invited me to do a presentation on career testing and assessment to a local CEO-roundtable. My purpose was to generate more business. We discussed several career assessments, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. (My personal Myers-Briggs type is "INFJ," which means, Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging." It is a typical counselor profile.) After the program, I sent this thank you letter to each of the attendees.

Liana Renita
The Diversity Group
1633 Josephine St
Denver, CO 80206-3722

September 4, 20—

Dear Liana,

Thanks so much for attending the career development session this morning. I really enjoyed meeting you personally, and getting to know the other members of your group. (Of course, an INFJ would always say that!)

From what I can tell, your group is highly energetic and productive. I can see you deriving a lot of value from it. You seem to have just the right mix of personalities for success.

If I can be assistance to you in understanding your personal profile—or in providing questionnaires or training for your company—give me a call.

Wishing you the best,

William S. Frank

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