This meeting came as a result of an affiliate referral. Even with a strong referral, it was hard to set the meeting because the high-powered executive was traveling extensively.
I researched her background on the Internet and discovered that she had begun as a social worker. Half way through lunch I said, "You're sounding a bit like a social worker." She jumped back in her chair: "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?" she wondered. I told her, "I read about you on your website." We had a good chuckle about that, I asked her more about her interest in social causes, and it established a friendly bond.
During her lunch she suggested arranging a meeting with other senior vice presidents of human resources, and I said I would put it together for her. Ultimately, I ran a senior HR group called "TOP-12" [the top 12 human resources executives in Denver] for three years. The group membership fee was $7,500-$10,000/year, so this was a $100,000 consulting project in the first year.
The lunch and this letter led to executive outplacement assignments with US Media Group.
April 24, 20—
Jolene Sachs
Vice President Human Resources
US Media Group
POB 27743
Englewood, Colorado 80155
Dear Jo,
Thanks for lunch today. Based on your schedule these past few weeks, I know you're extremely busy with critical projects. I really appreciate your taking time to get to know me and my company.
I enjoyed hearing about your education, your career management philosophy, and your personal career growth—they were all very interesting. Your idea of a senior executive meeting is terrific, and I'll see what I can do to implement it.
Thanks again for lunch. It was a special treat. I'll look forward to getting to know you and US Media Group better.
With best wishes,

William S. Frank
P.S.—You mentioned some senior executive outplacement in Atlanta. I have an Atlanta partner, and would be pleased to make introductions if it would help.
BCC: Delora Tessie [Our Atlanta Partner.]