I wanted to expand my cover letter collection, the companion to this collection of letters for consultants, so I reached out to friends for input. This letter brought a brisk and helpful response. I could have improved the letter and increased the response by addressing it to a specific person, rather than to "Career Colleague"—a dreadful mistake.
February 8, 20—
Dear Career Colleague,
Since 1989, my book 200 Letters for Job Hunters has sold 60,000 copies. The book is available free of charge in the career center on America Online, where it's used more than 2000 hours per month. The book also resides on www.careerlab.com/letters/, where it has won numerous national awards—USA TODAY gave us their "HOT SITE" award. Yahoo! Internet Life calls us "an incredibly useful site," and BOTTOM LINE: PERSONAL lists our cover letter collection as the #1 most useful career site.
We don't charge for access to the Website. This is a FREE service to job hunters and career changers—it's just one of the ways we give back to the community.
Last week I looked at our web report and learned that visitors had looked at 62,000 letters. That's right, SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND IN ONE WEEK. This service is so successful I've decided to expand the collection to 1000 letters over the next few years, and I'm writing to ask for your help and contribution.
I'm trying to find letters targeted to the management and executive level:
- Employment contracts.
- Letters candidates use to introduce themselves to you.
- Letters surrounding job offers. Offers of employment spelling out details of base salary, bonuses, stock options, perks, car allowances, severance. Counter offer letters.
- Any letters related to executive careers.
Please take 10 minutes to review your files and send me any letters you have on hand. By contributing, you'll join our community service effort and reap the rewards of helping others. In addition, any letter we include from you will include a FREE ad mentioning your name and giving contact information. If you have an e-mail or Web address, we can include those. Your ad will appear as a footnote on the letter.
I appreciate your help, and look forward to publishing your letters in our collection.
With best regards,

William S. Frank
P.S.—You can view the collection at www.careerlab.com/letters/