When you receive positive press in magazines, newspapers, or journals, your friends, business acquaintances, customers, and prospects should know it. Don't just send the article, but ask for, and expect feedback. The same holds true when you're quoted in online publications.
P.S.—If you are quoted in an online publication, be sure to save the electronic version. It's important because many publications delete the links or content, and your article disappears. Create a folder called "Media." Go to the web page where your article is displayed. Click "File," then "Save As," and give your article a name. For example: Atlanta Journal: Experts Discuss Economy." Save your file as html or as mht. HTML will create two icons. On links the text, the second contains graphics like photos. Doing this you'll have an electronic copy of your article forever.
April 7, 20—
Ms. Sierra Smelcer
National Employee Relations Manager
Wealth Insurance Company
5724 South Parker Road
Aurora, Colorado 80014
Dear Sierra:
"Denver Business" recently interviewed me about outplacement and the nation's retirement epidemic.
I thought the article was interesting and timely and wanted you to have a copy.
I would enjoy hearing your thoughts and ideas after you have had a chance to look it over.
Wishing you all the best.

William S. Frank